1-Channel Peristaltic Pump Assembly
Torch Adapter, 18/9 Glass Socket - Use for Spectro ICP-AES
2-stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing - 2.79mm I.D. (Purple/White)
Spare Tubing - 4.8mm ID Tygon
Tee Connector Kit
Y Connector Kit
Spare Tubing Kit (PFA)
Nut/Ferrule & Fitting Kit for DSA-7
Interface kit for Thermo Jarrel-Ash / Thermo iCAP ICP-AES
Aridus3 Interface Kit for PerkinElmer ICP-MS
Interface kit for all Spectro ICP-AES and ICP-MS
Valve Pump Tubing Kit - Aqueous
Vacuum Pump Flow Restrictor Line - Oils Applications, Tygon Fuel and Lubricant tubing
Vacuum Pump Flow Restrictor Line - Aqueous Applications, Tygon tubing
Spare Tubing - 3.2mm ID Tygon Fuel and Lubricant
Sample Out Line Kit, Aridus3
Aridus3 Interface Kit for Analytik Jena and Thermo Magnetic Sector ICP-MS
Aridus3 Interface Kit for Nu Instruments ICP-MS
Aridus3 Interface Kit for Agilent and Thermo Quadrupole ICP-MS
12/5 Glass Socket Adapter
Valve Pump Tubing Kit - Oils
Valve/Pump Module Kit - Module only; Does not include valve.
Passive Bubbler Line
Passive Bubbling Tee