Short Rack Tray Adapter Kit
Rotary Tray
Z-Drive PFA Tubing Replacement Kit
24 Position Short Rack Kit with Cover - includes 24 - 2.0mL Polypropylene Vials
Tall Standards Vials (use with tall racks only) - 30mL PFA Standards Vials (qty 5)
Sample Probe - 0.035" (0.9mm) ID Carbon - Yellow Band
Sample Probe - 0.010" (0.3mm) ID Carbon - Black Band
Sample Vials (for use with 96 position short racks) - 1.0mL Polypropylene vials (qty 1,000)
Sample Vials, 7 mL, qty. 250
24 Position Short Rack Kit with Cover - includes 24 - 1.5mL PFA Vials
30 Position Tall Bel-Art Rack Kit with 30 - 14mL Polypropylene Vials
Probe Holder Thumb Screw Kit (Qty 4)
Sample Vials (for use with 24 position short racks) - 1.5 mL PFA Vials (qty 24)
Sample Vials (for use with 48 position short racks) 0.5mL Polypropylene (qty 1,000)
48 Position Short Rack Kit - includes 48 - 0.5mL Polypropylene Vials, with Screw On Caps
96 Position Short Rack Kit with Cover - includes 96 1.0mL Polypropylene Vials
Gas Displacement Rinse Tubing Kit for ASX-110FR - Tygon / PFA / PTFE tubing
Fastener Service Kit
Gas Displacement Rinse Tubing Kit for ASX-112FR - Tygon / PFA / PTFE tubing
Short Standards Vials (use with short racks only) - 20mL PFA Standards Vials (qty 5)
Short Standards Vials (use with short racks only) - 4mL PFA Standards Vials (qty 9)
Tall Rinse Kit for Peri Pump with Polypropylene Rinse Station - For ASX-112FR
ASX-110FR, ASX-112FR Main Board
2-Liter PP rinse solution reservoir bottle assembly