Tray Assembly with 10 Standards Positions for ASX-560
24 Position Short Rack Kit with Cover - includes 24 - 2.0mL Polypropylene Vials
Short Rack Tray Adapter Kit
Sample Rack, 21 position
Sample Rack, 17.0 mm x 60 pos Square
30 Position Tall Bel-Art Rack Kit with 30 - 14mL Polypropylene Vials
90 Position/2mL Sample Rack - Used in Oil industry
Tray Assembly with 5 Standards Positions for ASX-560
96 Position Short Rack Kit with Cover - includes 96 1.0mL Polypropylene Vials
24 Position Short Rack Kit with Cover - includes 24 - 1.5mL PFA Vials
Sample Rack - 60 Position Rack/16mm (Used in Oil industry)
Sample Rack - 96 Position/13mm (Used in Oil industry)
Sample Rack - 80 position/15mL (Used in Oil industry)
Sample Rack, 40 position
Sample Rack, 90 position
Sample Rack, 24 position
Sample Rack - 90 position/8mL (Used in Oil industry)
Sample Rack - 45 Position/120cc
Adapter plate for 250 mL bottles
48 Position Short Rack Kit - includes 48 - 0.5mL Polypropylene Vials, with Screw On Caps
42 Position Tall Bel-Art Rack Kit with 42 - 7mL Polypropylene Vials