Hydra IIAA Extended Spare Parts Kit
SKU: 902-00130-1
- Kit includes:
- 1- 1 Liter Reagent Bottle with Tubing (120-00060)
- 1- 2 Liter Rinse Bottle with Tubing (120-00417-2)
- 1- Liquid Gas Separator (120-00430-1)
- 1- Hydra II AA Sample Gas to Detector Transmission Tubing (120-00516-2)
- 1- Reagent Transmission Tubing (120-00523-1)
- 1- Rinse Supply Tubing (Rinse Bottle to Rinse Pump in) (120-00524-1)
- 1- Sample/Reagent Mix Tubing (120-00525-1)
- 1- Rinse Station Drain Tubing to Pump Module Drain Tube (Black Tab) (120-00531-1)
- 1- Hg Lamp Assembly (122-00189-1)
- 1- Nafion® Dryer (Hydra II) (309-00087)
- 1- Sample Tip and Tubing Assembly (120-00527-1)
- 5- Pump Tubing Microcassette for Model 308MC Pump Head (307-00093)
- 2-120 mm Optical Cell, CVAAS low sensitivity cell (121-00065-1)
- 1-25 mm Optical Cell, CVAAS high sensitivity cell (121-00065-2)
- Compatible with the Hydra IIAA
Note: Lamp Contains Mercury, do not put in trash. Recycle or dispose as hazardous waste.