Tubing PMP .03 BK/BK S12 (Package of 12)
Tubing PMP S/F 045 R/R 12" (Package of 12)
Organic Torch with Tubing Organic Samples
Tubing PFTE .022 ID x .042 OD for Uptake
Tubing PMP PVC 045 R/R 12" (Package of 12)
Waste Drain Tubing
P7/Plus Single Piece Torch – Organic
Tubing PMP .03 BK/BK (Package of 12)
Wide Bore Torch with Tubing Aqueous Samples
Optical Assembly Dual View Mirror
Radial Torch HF Shell Tubing
Dual View Torch HF
Dura Torch DV (Longer Life)
Axial Torch with Tubing Hydrofluoric Samples
Modified Hydra IIC Plunger Baffle, Air Analysis
Aqueous Torch with Tubing Aqueous